Cancelled due to weather warnings. This event will reschedule in September.
Drop-in activities at Beech Hill School, 12-4pm
Drop-in noisy activities and messy science demonstrations, 12-4pm

A family friendly roadshow event travelling across the borough during the summer holidays, working in partnership with Eureka! and Calderdale Council’s Play Services.

The Tinker, Make, Create Roadshow brings together local makers, artists, engineers and crafters, for half day sessions in eight key Calderdale wards, where family activity is needed. Play Services are leading on identifying areas for a legacy strategy to target future youth engagement!
The Roadshow will culminate in a day-long festival at Eureka! bringing in mix of local talent and performers, providing guests of all ages the opportunity to engage in more than 30 different activities. These include using raw materials and tools to create unique machines, launching rockets and art exploration, plus numerous crafting and building options.