… & participatory demonstrations

Shows & participatory demonstrations
- 50 Million Tonnes – ewaste, upcycling & DIY instruments
- Bass in your Face – sound, speakers, vibrations & magnetism + extra bass
- Bass Buzz – demo & participation; powerful vibrating bass speaker
- Goop Test – demo; Oobleck/corflour/non-Newtonian fluid
- Cymatics – demo & participation; patterns created by sound vibrations on Chladni plate
Bass in your Face
Feel that Big Bad Bass and find out what makes it BOOOM!
Sound waves, vibrations and the use of electromagnetism in the design and working of loudspeakers.
Powerful amplified bass vibrations

50 Million Tonnes

How can we have power over our technology, instead of being enslaved by it? Let’s start by taking a hammer to it…
Some weighty topics around the human and environmental consequences of disposable electronics, as well as a dash of electromagnetism, but the style is fun and entertaining, with a focus on what we can do to help, and how we can learn and gain empowerment. Let’s pop the glowing balloon, de-flash the trainer and scavange the fun bits from a computer for re-animation.
Warning: Live dissection of electronic products without anaesthetic…

Ground level shows

Excitingly Dangerous Science Demonstrations that you can take part in.
For public spaces or free-flowing events where people come and go and can get involved in some of our noisy and messy activities, or just watch if they prefer.
Bass Buzz

Dare you try the infamous Bass Buzz? Feel 1000 watts of bass power through your fingertips, see clouds of flour shoot into the air, duck from eruptions of lentils (or sometimes mung beans), marvel at water-based Cymatics, re-create a laser-blaster shoot out with an amplified slinky, shriek in utter horror at the bizarre life-forms animated with corn flour and powerful bass vibrations, as the Goop Test brings forth new life-forms that dance and metamorphose at the sound of the BASS….
The Bass Buzz forms part of our other features (it can be the finale to Bass in Your Face) or it can be a short but unforgettable participatory drop-in experience, or it can be a 30 minute show in it’s own right, with participation of the audience (not suitable for audiences over 200).