Ours is much more fun than the ones you might have done a couple of years ago.

Do you dare try the infamous Noisy Toys Nose Test? Tens of thousands of people have had their noses tested (and most of them suffered no adverse effects) so step up and present yours. Bring a friend, or your whole family- we can test you all in a circuit (a ‘nose ring’) and if you have a carrot or a dog we can test those too, or most other things.
We may use ‘mild peril’ to build up the tension…
The Nose Test is a funny and noisy conductivity activity which adults find just as funny as kids. Participants test each other’s noses with a gentle squeeze, passing a (very low) current and so producing a variable squeak and a guaranteed smile.
Nose Testing was spontaneously invented by Noisy Toys in 2010 and has now been adopted by other science communication organisations, which is fine. But we did it first OK?

Despite being a lot of fun, the Nose Test has many educational benefits- it helps our understanding of basic circuitry (and is used as a starter for workshops). It is a very effective hands-on way for people to experiment with the varying electrical resistance of different materials. We can use it to demonstrate analogue control in an electrical system and to simulate various potential faults and repairs in electrical items.
This simple interaction can extend from a couple to a family to large groups of 20 or more. It can last for less than a minute if people are passing by, or be built into a mini-show if a crowd gathers. In this case we build up the dramatic tension and also go a bit deeper into the explanation of basic circuitry and conductivity, with young participants helping to test various objects.

Did we mention it’s also fun?
(and safe, despite what we might say just before you do it)