3 days of noise, Oobleck, cymatics, shows, walkabout, noise, laughter, e-waste, bass, performance, jamming, noise, more bass and more NOISE!
All quotes are a small selection taken directly from our Comments Book (which planet are you from?).

‘The best tent at Camp Bestival. I could live in here.’
‘I come from a planet called Skibidi’

‘Tired kids on arrival. Excited kids leaving’

‘Amazing fun – everyone helped so much to enable our profoundly disabled daughter to access everything’
‘How do you make these amazing imaginative machines? ‘ – Occie age 9

‘Brilliant! Makes science so engaging for us all.’

‘Love how you’ve made music a visual spectacle. Great ideas for science projects. Thank you!’

‘Fantastic! I think we loved this as much as the kids!’
‘Brilliant fun – love the energy from the staff – Nose Testing amazing’

‘This has been my favourite thing at Bestival’
‘Great and fantastic and so much fun’ Eloise age 10/11

‘Amazing! Why wasn’t science lessons like this back in the day? Fab!’
‘FUN! I like the Oobleck Monster!’ – by Eva, living on Earth

‘Super fun, yay, amazing’ – Edies and Aarora – 8